Best cyberpunk/dystopian live action movies

What is the first movie title that pops up into your head when someone mentions cyberpunk?
For years I have been trying to find a full definition of the genre. And I haven't found one yet. Let's take for example "The Matrix" (1999) - a full-blooded cyberpunk movie with multiple elements of dystopia. Compare it to the godfather of the genre - "Blade Runner" (1982). Yes, we have low-life and high tech in both movies, but in Rick Deckard's world - there is minimal presence of cybernetics and lack of traces of  hacker culture.
I think "Blade Runner" is a classic dystopian movie, while "The Matrix" is a benchmark for the cyberpunk genre.
And yes, the Blade Runner's categorization also applies to the Otomos's "Akira". For this reason, movies in both genres are featured in my rating.

20. Children of Men (2006)
In 2027, after 18 years of global human infertility and depression, the world is on the brink of collapse and humanity faces extinction. The United Kingdom, one of the few nations with a functioning government (the only other known functioning government is Angola), is deluged by asylum seekers fleeing radiation and plague. In response, the UK has become a police state as the British Army rounds up and executes immigrants. Theo Faron, a former activist turned cynical bureaucrat, is kidnapped by the Fishes, a militant immigrants' rights group. They are led by Theo's estranged wife, Julian Taylor, from whom he separated after their son's death during a 2008 flu pandemic...
Author's comment: Even though the movie is original and really professional, it has more to do with the worlds of Michael Crichton and Roland Emerich than with Washowski and Scott's stories.

19. Johnny Mnemonic (1995)
In 2021 society is deeply engaged in a virtual Internet, which has a degenerative effect that is referred to as nerve attenuation syndrome or NAS. Another major issue is the takeover of society by large corporations, many of which are based in east Asia. In Japan, the Yakuza organized crime family is used for enforcement. This makes the transmission of data to be a dangerous business.
Johnny is a "mnemonic courier" with a data storage device implanted in his brain, allowing him to discreetly carry information too sensitive to transfer across the Net, the virtual-reality equivalent of the Internet...
Author's comment: Yes, this movie is weak and trashy, but the essence of the cyberpunk genre springs from it. Hacker battles, dolphin-cyborg, neo-monk with muscle implants, Yakuza ... Gibson's scent is felt everywhere.

18. Immortal (2004)
The film takes place in New York City in late 21 century, where genetically altered humans live side by side with unaltered men and women, and where Central Park has been mysteriously encased in an "intrusion zone" where people who attempt to enter are instantly killed. A strange pyramid has appeared over the city; inside, the gods of ancient Egypt have judged Horus, one of their fellow gods, to cease his immortality.
In the city below, Jill, a young woman with blue hair, is arrested. She is not completely human; her tissues appear to be no more than a few months old according to an examining physician, although her physical form is already that of an adult. She also possesses a number of secret powers, including one that enables her to procreate with gods, though she knows nothing of this...
Author's comment: This is one of two French movies in the chart. I watched Immortal shortly after it appeared in theaters. Of course, in my country it was only available as a torrent file. This one in particular made a great impression, especially in terms of scale. We ignore some of the special effects, as this is nonetheless European production that appeared after the three parts of "The Matrix". For the loyal fans of the cyberpunk genre, as well as connoisseurs of ancient history, the movie definitely has its values and strengths.

17. Repo Men (2010)
In 2025, advancements in medical technology have perfected bio-mechanical organs. A corporation known as The Union sells these expensive "artiforgs" on credit, and when customers are unable or unwilling to pay for their artiforgs The Union sends "repo men" to locate and forcibly repossess the organ - invariably resulting in the death of the owner.
Remy (Jude Law) and his partner, Jake Freivald (Forest Whitaker), are considered the best of the Union's repo men. However, Remy's wife Carol disapproves of his work, believing that it is a bad influence for their son Peter. At a family barbecue, Remy allows Jake to discreetly perform a repossession nearby, but is caught by Carol who leaves with Peter in anger. While patrolling with Jake, the duo discovers a "nest", a refuge for Union customers who have defaulted on payments for their artiforgs and are attempting to escape the country.
Author's comment: This movie came out a year before In Time with Justin Timberlake. Some movie elements are reminiscent of Stallone's "Judge Dredd" (1995) and Schwarzenegger's "Total Recall" (1990). Jude Law's presence is nothing reminiscent of the android from Spielberg's "A.I. Artificial Intelligence". A more local version of "Looper" (2012).
To be continued


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